Finding out which software my Renault multimedia system uses

find out the software version of your Renault EASY LINK system
easy link system version

Step 1

In the EASY LINK main menu, select the “Vehicle info” icon. 



easy link system version

Step 2

From the “Vehicle info” menu, click the “Software update” icon.



easy link system version

Step 3

The current software version is then displayed on the screen. 

In this example, 283C32101R

find out the software version of your R-LINK 2 system
rlink2 system version

Step 1

Click on the menu button in the bottom left of the screen.


rlink2 system version

Step 2

Click on the “System” button.


rlink2 system version

Step 3

Click the “System information” button. Swipe the screen from right to left to go to screen no. 2.



rlink2 system version

Step 4

The software version number appears on the first line at the top of the screen. Note: the last digit is irrelevant. In our example, (you can ignore the 0).

find out the software version of your Renault R-LINK Evolution system
rlink evolution system version

Step 1

In the main R-LINK Evolution menu, select the “System” menu.



rlink evolution system version

Step 2

Go to screen 2 of the system menu and click on “Status and information”.



rlink evolution system version

Step 3

Click on “Version information” at the top of the screen.



rlink evolution system version

Step 4

The software version displayed on the screen is labelled “application”. In this example, 11.336.2194669.